On day two - Thursday of our Chicago adventure - we woke up - had breakfast in our room - and headed out to visit Navy Pier - we walked - it was a beautiful, hot summer day and it was fun to see all of the sights on the way to the Pier. Sam and Kate loved seeing the tall buildings and the river and all of the cabs and buses.

Chris and the kids were among the first people to board the ferris wheel - $18 and one go around was a bit shocking, but it was enjoyable and I'm told the views were amazing. We walked down the pier and back - not a bunch of activity going on at 10 a.m. but we saw the pirate sail boat and the water taxi's. Then Chris and Sam headed off to Wrigley Field and Kate and I browsed the stores and went to the Children's Museum.
At the Children's Museum - Kate made lots of new friends - her favorite activities were digging for dinosaur bones, playing in the water exhibits, making and serving pizza and climbing the sail boat tower. After playing for three hours - we visited the museum store, of course, and bought Katie her first secret diary - complete with a lock and key - this is her latest obsession and fascination - she can't write words, but she can draw pictures, she tells me. We returned to the hotel via Michigan Avenue and stopped for a late lunch at Noodles - yummy - where I had my favorite Penne Rosa and Kate of course had Mac and Cheese. For my beverage - I had a bottle of cream soda - a rare treat - and I told Kate she could taste it - her eyes became really big and she said, "really, I can? - it's a grown up drink - mommy." Which brought on the discussion of how many things are put into a bottle and some are for everyone and some are for just grown ups. Criminy sakes - almost six years old and she's never drank out of a bottle :) My children do lead sheltered lives! After we returned the hotel we of course had to write and draw in the diary and then we took a quick little nap.

At Wrigley - I'm told Sam and Chris had a Chicago dog and Sam bought an A's hat - he was cheering for the A's not the Cubs :) Sam was a lucky little boy and caught a foul ball at Wrigley - a rare occurrence - he was very proud! There's nothing like a Wrigley experience.
The boys arrived back to the hotel around 4:30 and then since Sam wanted to visit the Children's Museum - Chris took Sam and Kate back for free family night - I think the kids must have walked about five miles total.
I enjoyed a nice quiet evening in the hotel - picked up a sandwich and chips for dinner and read - very relaxing. The kids returned dirty and tired - quick baths and they went quickly to sleep!