What a gorgeous weekend! A tad bit hot for my taste, but the sunshine is fabulous. On Saturday, Chris and I packed every nook and cranny of the Corolla. Then we cleaned, cleaned and cleaned the house. This house was not so clean when we moved in, but it will be clean for the new owners when we move out. Today we had our last "official" visit to Peace church, where we have met some many people and shared our love and worship of God with so many interesting and wonderful people. We will miss attending Peace regularly, but I know we will be back to visit. After church we had a fantastic barbeque with members of our small group bible study. Thanks so much Travis and Amy! It was great to see the Fuery's and spend time together before Chris left town. Our kids all play together so well. Of course, now Sam and Kate are worn out and ready for bed and it's not even 5:00 p.m.. While I am so sad to leave our friends and this great city, I am beginning to get excited about Cedar Rapids and the opportunities in store for us all as a family and as individuals. Just a few more days!